When I’m not conducting evil experiments in my mad scientist laboratory, you can find me at repertory arthouse theatres — either in the flesh, seeing the best celluloid atrocities money can buy, or through one of my posters! I have so far designed official posters for HYLAND CINEMA in London Ontario and the PARADISE THEATRE in Toronto, and hope to continue my reign of terror in a cinema near you!

Hyland Cinema: “The Fly/The Thing Double Feature” (2025), “Rocky Horror/Phantom of the Paradise” (2024), “Pink Flamingos” (2025), “A Nightmare on Elm Street Double Feature” (2024), “Second Annual Godzilla New Year” (2024)

Paradise Theatre: “Drag Me to the Movies Presents: Shakes The Clown” (2024), “Drag Me to the Movies Presents: The Fly” (2023)

(More film poster samples available upon request)
